i've been watching the watchmen movie again and also in light of recent issues regarding wikileaks has got me thinking.

freedom of speech and transparency is something we often take for granted in a country like Australia, but do we really have freedom of speech and how transparent are our systems really (thats a topic for another day)?
now many politicians in the USA have condemned Julian Assange, some going as far as calling for his execution.
our own prime minister, Julia Gillard has stated that Julian Assange and Wikileaks have conducted illegal activities (though remained silent when asked what laws Wikileaks have breached). Paypal and Mastercard have suspended Wikileaks account and donations towards the organisation.
show you how far our freedom of speech really goes. if wikileaks has been engaging in illegal behaviour then every single news source that has since reported its leaks are also engaging in illegal behaviour.
how can our own prime minister be so irresponsible, condemning a fellow australian who has yet to be convicted of any crime to be a criminal?
how is this any different from China or Iran (or any other country that does so) censoring the media to potray the government in a favourable light?
again...how free exactly is our freedom of speech?
classified information is of course kept secret for a reason, keeping the population in the dark in regards to certain topics and issues insures peace and stability.
so whats better? violence based on truth? or peace based on a lie?