Tuesday, October 7, 2008


apologies to nick bracks, steve bracks and gary morgan for whatever grief i have caused. the information of van's dismissal was inaccurate and was sourced from a casual conversation and was misunderstood by me and possibly misrepresented by van at the time.

i should not have posted unverified information into the public domain, and my supervisors are not a trustworthy source of information.

let me say again, that everything i have stated in the previous post was completely untrue according to roy morgan management, and this present time there is no other reliable source so thus i will presume that this is truth, as far as i know.

as a result, my employment has been put on hiatus, there will be 24 hours before i am notified in regards to my future at roy morgan research.

i have explained myself to management and attempted to justify how and why i would genuinely believe such matters and had also genuinely believed that the matters were indeed fact due to my belief of the source's reliability, but as you should be aware by now, this was a mistake.

again, i would like to state that i do not want you to think negatively of gary morgan, steve bracks or nick bracks based on those events i described earlier as they are inaccurate and unreliable as far as i know at this present time.


Hieu Ho said...

lolol. selloutz!~

Unknown said...
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