Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dear CCP

hello, my name is ken. even though i was born in china, i am legally not chinese...probably for the better.

last night at roughly 7:45, facebook was blocked.

for a month now, youtube and blogspot have also been blocked.

i don't know what your purpose of blocking these things are, but according to foreign media, it is in response to events that occurred in 1989 and also recent riots in the Xinjiang region.

if so, then my lack of understanding of the decision to block these websites continues . "questionable" and "unauthorized" accounts of said events can still be accessed via a simple google search. these sites can still be accessed by those who dearly wish to access them via proxy servers or a vpn.

i can say that if these websites were indeed used to spread "malicious" rumours about the chinese government/people, they can still be spread by those who are dedicated to these causes and still be accessed by those dedicated to their causes.

so why bother blocking these websites?

personally i want to access youtube to watch my 9 wives dance around (in HD), i want to access blogspot so i can blog about how i love them dancing around and i need facebook to publically display my love of watching them dance around.

but today, i officially can't do any of these, so thus i use my proxy server to blog about how angry i am.

i will get a VPN tonight so i am able to access all the sites i want to as the web proxy server i have been using is unreliable.
furthermore as i have had nothing to do, i have read many articles that would be classified as "questionable" by your standards about the xinjiang region (i would rather be watching my 9 wives dance around).

in conclusion i would like to say your attempts at censoring information are annoying at most, they do not censor information from those who want to access them and only nurtures disgust and discontent at the conduct of this government. these half-hearted attempts at censoring information is not only useless, but it hurts party reputation and the reputation of china as a whole.

please fix this.

love, ken


mo0s3 said...

You suggest that by allowing these websites to be accessed, the mix of views would allow for some balance, thereby not creating an overall bias against the government's views.

But the reason the PROC does this is because they engage in a some policies and actions that will most likely be seen as unjust by most people, so they twist the truth, and to prevent opposing viewpoints from conflicting with their official line, they censor these websites. If they were to allow people to access this stuff it would not allow a balance of opinions, it would create an overwhelming sense of negativity against the government.

Ken said...

actually belal, in truth, censoring blogger/facebook/youtube really does not censor anti party information much if at all, antiparty information is readily available with a simple google search.

though i have realised why this "censoring" really occurs.

youku and tudou would not be nearly as succesful with the periodical blocks of youtube. xiaonei would not be as successful with the blocks of facebook, and blogcn would definitley not receive as much traffic if blogspot or wordpress were unblocked...etc.

these sites receive huge amounts of traffic due to blocking of foreign counterparts which in turn generates profits for the Chinese sites which in turn raises the amount of tax they pay.

only logical reason.