Wednesday, May 12, 2010


now I don't know if i should present this story as a serious issue or as just a humorous happening.

an acquaintance of mine from work, who shall be known as "pree" recently took up smoking, i'm not sure how old he is but if i had to guess i say hes about 21 or 22.

"it still hurts my throat a bit," he says "but i am getting used to it."
"so why exactly did you take it up if it hurts your throat?" i asked
"because i need a girlfriend man, all the smokers have girlfriends, girls think its cool"
"HAHA" i chuckled due to the humour of that statement
"what are you laughing about? its not a joke"
"HAHA" i continued to chuckle as i was still under the impression he was making another obviously ridiculous statement to further his initial humourr.
"its not funny"

At this stage, my mind considered the odds of this guy actually genuinely believing his statement in regards to cigarettes being the reason for female attraction to males.

"so explain your theory," i said in a very worried yet curious tone

his theory is as follows:
he has never had a girlfriend nor has he had much luck with girls relationship wise and sexually. now he attributes this situation to the lack of cigarette addiction on his part. he thinks that it is extremely attractive to the opposite sex when a male walks around with a cigarette in his hands. "it looks cool" as he likes to put it.
to justify this theory, he said surveyed 10 people he knew and discovered that all the ones who don't smoke have never had a girlfriend, and those who do are either in a relationship or are "successful with the ladies" as he likes to put it.
he proceeded to demonstrate this theory was real life examples in the room, he pointed to person A and person B who were both smokers.
"neither of them have a girlfriend..."
"yea but they are both successful with the ladies! they told me!"
"i see, they told you they were successful with the ladies did they?"
"no not exactly, but they tell me stories about their chicks all the time."
"so you think, the reason why they are successful is due to cigarettes...?"

our conversation pretty much finished there, i saw him again the next day and someone looking to exploit him due to the tax hike on cigarettes asked him for a smoke, he kindly replied that he has not officially started yet, but he will start buying decks soon.

"let me know when you start buying decks yea?"
"for sure man, for sure," pree said with a confidence in his voice

i think he attracting more cheap guys who can't afford to smoke than he is girls.

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