Thursday, July 22, 2010

who wants to be a billionare?

Travis "Travie" Mccoy (not so) new song is really starting to shit me. This song not only has no substance but flamboyantly preaches...nothing.

according to the video clip, travis mccoy gives someone a car, a new skateboard and some new spray paint, i dont think you need to be billionare to do any of those things for one, and two, travis is definitley rich enough to do all those things though i doubt he has.

i was sitting at melbourne central, just eating some food before work and theres a group of high school kids sitting next to me, this song comes on and as if the(their) national anthem had come on, they all started singing

"i wanna be a billionare sooooo frickin baad"

i don't think any single one of those kids will ever be on the cover of forbes magazine next to opera and the queen (as far as i know, i don't think they've been on the cover of forbes? could be wrong, not gonna pretend i read forbes regularly)

as far as materialism goes, i think this song is the epitome, but its covered up to make it seem like its got some sort of hipster substance (oxymoron?) when its full of ignorance typical of its target market.

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