Sunday, November 28, 2010

emi hinouchi

through my random wanderings through youtube, you discover many new and interesting things.

i love discovering new/old music that i haven't heard or wouldn't ever be put into contact with otherwise, example include:

apparently this has been a meme for a while but i've only discovered it, musical genius!!

but humour aside i discovered this japanese vocalist, whose name is in the name of this post.

i first heard her in this song with the teriyaki boyz and thought it was pretty chilled out and energetic at the same time, i thought she was cute but didn't look into it too much.
but recently, whilst going through my old favourite list, i found it again and decided to listen to it, and then decided to check out some of her other songs. i don't know if she writes her own songs but the girl knows how to sing

i decided to check out her solo stuff which reinforced my impressions of her vocal abilities.

now i know theres a lot of people who don't like to listen to music of a language they can't understand. it'd be great if i could understand what shes singing and would definitely increase my appreciation for the music, but good music transcends language and everyone should keep an open mind :)

i think i shall do more research into this young lady and acquire more of her music

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She writes her own songs... since she's a songwriter (ref: Wikipedia). Too bad King Records dropped her just cause "ME.." didn't sell. D: It had so many sweet tracks - one of the most solid albums I've ever listened to. :P She's been inactive for a while now...