Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I haven't blogged for a while but for those of you still lurk around in this occasionally dead space that is my blog/mind, merry xmas to you sir/ma'am.

Looking back at this year, I didn't really blog a lot. Partly due to the fact that I had nothing much interesting happen until late September.

I guess the most exciting thing that happened late September was that I finally found a job, after 9 months of searching and random internships at Haystac (thank you!) and Calibre Menswear (thank you!).

Its ironic that when I have lots of time to blog, I don't have much to blog about. When I have plenty to write about, I don't have time. I'm happy that I get to finally sit down and jot down somethings.

I'm currently working at Adconion Media Group as a Media Operations Executive, the world of digital media is nothing like anyone could ever imagine without working in the industry. The sheer amount of media delivery and innovations that happen in this industry towers above any other medium. Sometime in the next year when I've worked for a bit longer, I think I will do a post describing exactly what we do.

Another update in my life I guess has been a new found enthusiasm and fascination with the world of eSports.
Like the rest of my generation, I've been playing computer games from a very young age, just like traditional sports like football, basketball etc. In fact I played plenty of sports growing up but it never occurred to me why I never classified the competitive nature of computer gaming as a "sport".

I played Age of Empires 2 semi-competitively online a very long time ago, played Counter-strike plenty and more recently the Halo series. Its such a non-issue if you think about it in terms of these games evolving into spectator sports just like any other sports we play. Everyone plays games in some respect, why can't the most competitive, most well designed of these be watched and appreciated in public?

I still remember being in Korea for the first time, seeing Starcraft: Broodwar on TV and thinking that it was just so lame. But why is watching Liverpool vs Arsenal any better than watching Boxer vs Idra?

I think we're all "nerds" to some degree about something in our lives, weather it be fashion, music, films or computer games.

I think this has been a great post leading into the new year. I've already got inspiration to write a post about my company and about the fantastic world of eSports.

Its gonna be a good year! Bring on 2012!

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