so a couple of weeks ago i had a large debate whilst over at my family friends new house. i was a little shocked really, to see that this sort of mentality could even exist anymore in this day and age but here is pretty much the main topics that were presented to me
1. terrorists are heroes. Americans are the real terrorists.
2. mentally disabled people are not(in china)/should not be allowed to reproduce. as it will slow human evolution, cause suffering for the spouse, produce mentally disabled children who will also suffer.
let me address the mental thing first.
now ok, thats all fair game apart from the fact that the person who was suggesting this was overweight and had diabetes. he also had a daughter...hrmmm
obviously there is a lot of hypocrisy there.
1. he is overweight and has produced a child that was also born genetically overweight (no offense intended)
2. he also has diabetes which puts his child at risk of diabetes
he suggested that mentally disabled people would have long died away if there were no medicines, hospitals etcetera. if things were to return to natural selection. they would be long gone without care. that governments should have policies so that people who slow down the course of our evolution should not be allowed to reproduce.
again there are so many levels of hypocrisy.
1. he is overweight, i don't think he can even sprint for 20 meters. lets not even talk about competing with natural predators.
2. he has diabetes and takes a hefty amount of medication to suppress his glucose levels so he doesn't pass out. (and get eaten by the animals)
where do we draw the line of mental retardation? where do we draw the line of what sort of illnesses may prove to slow down the evolution process? humans has not evolved for thousands of years. he stated that its a medical fact that they are mentally disabled, and they should not breed.
now that is really nazi. medical fact? years ago it was a medical fact that black people had smaller brains? or women had smaller brains. everyone had smaller brains and the white race reigned supreme above all. jews were slowing down evolution and were the source of all evil at one point too. has he learnt nothing?
now it is probably a medical fact that Asians (i am Asian for anyone who doesn't know)on average have smaller eyes. what if Kevin Rudd were to announce a new policy next year, that all Asians who do not have a certain dimension of eyes, are not allowed to breed? i don't imagine him being very happy.
now his counter argument to that is the mental disability could inflict lots of trauma and stress to the spouse and produce more mentally disabled children.
first of all that is really stupid. if a person is WILLING to marry and produce children with all the risks in their mind. why should they not be allowed to? it is not even 100% that the children WILL be disabled either. having said that, mental disability doesn't come from a whole line of disabled people. that is if someone was disabled, its not like everyone before him in his family were disabled too. it comes out genetically from non-disabled people, average, "normal" people. so should everyone who has a chance of giving birth to a mentally disabled person be banned from reproduction? then i guess no one in this world is allowed to mate ever again.
his counter argument to that, is incest. why is incest illegal? because apparently its to stop genetic and health problems associated. i disagree. i believe its a social and cultural taboo. to demonstrate i asked him is the law the only thing that stops you from reproducing with your sister or your daughter? check mate
now we all know that the Americans along with some other countries are doing some stupid ass shit in the middle-east which is at the very least, comparable to what the terrorists have done if not worse. but calling the terrorists heroes, now thats next level.
a murderer who has murdered 1000 people rather than 1000000 people, is still a murderer. and there you have it.
its easy to say things like that if you are no involved, oh yes the terrorists are heroes. they are defending their nation and whatever. retaliating to oppression from the USA.
but if your daughter, your wife or a friend was killed by a terrorist attack. you'd beg to differ.
anyway on a lighter note.
new proddies
SF Puma blaze of glories and Nike spiridons
provider new balance 1500
1 comment:
was this really done at 5.27am?
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