Wednesday, May 28, 2008


so i have been watching some documentaries lately. it includes a documentary discussing the evils of religion (any religion), a good quote to come out of that would be

"if there was no religion, good people would do good things, bad people would do bad things. it takes religion to make good people do bad things"

a lot of interesting things were brought up. ill discuss a couple here:

now i have agreed with most of the stuff that were presented to me, so bare that in mind when you read the rest of the blog.

religion is a set of beliefs in simplicity. you are christian, islamic, jewish, etc.
political beliefs run similarly. labour voter, democrats voter, etc.
now there is a reason why kids can't vote. and there is also a reason why young kids are not labeled by their parents.

parents send their kids to religious schools to be taught about their religion, and thus they are labeled by the rest of the society as "muslim kids" or "christian kids" but you never label someone a "labour kid" or "national kid", because they are too young to comprehend the complexity of politics. why is religion an exception?

human logic and instincts after maturity, is to question things presented to us. for example, if i bought something off you on ebay, and i transfered the money into your account, you would usually make sure what i said was true before sending the product.
or if i told you there were no one on the streets, logically you'd want to get verification, and the best way is to see for yourself. that is how science came in. a theory and then evidence to back it up and then maybe one day proven wrong.

now religion works completely against this system, you are told to believe and have "faith" despite all the evidence contrary to your belief. you are told that the more you believe these stories without doubt and question, the more likely it is that you will be rewarded when you die.

also the story of god seems to be watered down in religion taught at school. so is this not brain washing? from a young age i was told that moses wrote the old testament, now older in life i have discovered thats actually false. so why are countless young children told this?

now of course, science can never prove that god does not exist. technically, science can not "prove" anything, there is never 100% chance that something will happen. As Einstein said, not even 1000 experiments can prove him 100% correct, but a single experiment can prove him wrong. But that is the beauty of science, it is forever changing, old ideas are updated with new ideas and evidence to support it.

the bible written hundreds/thousands of years ago, with no credible author, edited numerous times by numerous people, heavy contradiction within itself, is said to be the word of god and is believed by billions unquestionably.

what is going on?

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