so many of you would have at least heard of the name "doctor who" which is the name of the longest series on television.
it stopped in 1989 (when i was born) and then there was a tv-movie in 1996, and then finally the series was revived in 2005. i use to come home from school to see the old doctor who on, it was pretty tacky for today's standards though i did like seeing all the crazy monster designs and such.
when the 2005 series started, i was very eager to see it on abc. the first and second episodes captured me, even though i eventually forgot the timeslot and stopped following it.
however last year i discovered that it was on the internet like everything else (fantastic as the 9th doctor would say) so i caught up on it.
now for everyone who has no idea what the series is about and why it is so good, let me explain.
the doctor who series has a central character, named "the doctor" not "doctor who" just simply the doctor. he is a traveler who travels through space and time, visiting different planets and different eras.
whenever he is about to die, he has the ability to regenerate into an alter ego/persona, almost becoming a completely different person. he has regenerated 9 times on screen.
now i have no seen the old series, so i can't claim to be a HUGE fan, but i am definitley a fan of the new series, its just so great.
now why is it so great? well, the best way to describe it is like this:
you are walking down the street at 10am one morning, just as you were about to cross the road, a rock hits you in the head and you stop to turn around. just as you turn around a car drives past in front of you, it would have ran you over if you crossed the road.
later that day you find a time machine and you go back in time to 9:59am that day, and you see yourself about to cross the road and a car was about to run you over, you throw a rock at yourself and the past you stops and doesnt get ran over.
and there you have it, every series of the (new) doctor who has been like this so far. and its just brilliant. david tennant is a fantastic actor, so was christopher eccleston. recommend you guys watch the first two episodes of the first series (2005).
ill leave you with a picture of all the doctors so far.
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